Match report
Football Elite
Division 3: Round 2 (setup 3, season 11)
West Ham United
League position:
Overall form:
Fraser FORSTER1GUILHERME Alvim Marinato
League position:
Overall form:
Calum CHAMBERS2Javier López Rodríguez, JAVI LÓPEZ
Kieran GIBBS3JAUME Vicent Costa Jordá
Steven GERRARD84JUAN Antonio RODRÍGUEZ Villamuela
Christopher SAMBA5Álvaro DOMINGUEZ Soto
Michael MANCIENNE76Diego Daniel COLOTTO
Adam JOHNSON78José 'Andrés' GUARDADO Hernández
Darren BENT97Aritz ADÚRIZ Zubeldia
Kjell Rune SELLIN116Lassad Hassen NOUIOUI
Cameron BORTHWICK-JACKSON12Ivan Sánchez-Rico Soto, RIKI
Robert GREEN13António Alberto Bastos Pimparel, BETO
Tom CARROLL14Juan Carlos VALERÓN Santana
Kieran RICHARDSON15JOSÉ Eduardo Rosa Vale e CASTRO
Scott PARKER16Anaitz ARBILLA Zabala

West Ham United 0 Deportivo 4
(Half-time: 0-1, Attendance: 34,300, Stadium: Upton Park, Referee: MÁRCIO Batista Rodrigues 6½)
Scorers28 Adúriz, 61 Guardado, 66 Guardado, 86 Adúriz
Substitutions53 Colotto <=> José Castro
Sendings off
Bookings31 Dominguez
3Shots on6
6Shots off8
9Total shots14
3Shots saved2
Man of the match: Steven GERRARD
2A mix up in the West Ham United defence enabled JUAN RODRÍGUEZ to hit the ball just wide.
7The 'keeper dived to his left to save an accurate drive from Deportivo's GUARDADO.
10JAUME beat three West Ham United players and fired a great chance inches over.
12A weak shot from BENT bounced agonisingly wide.
14ADÚRIZ ran onto a delightful ball from PABLO ÁLVAREZ but fired his shot wide of the goal.
17GUARDADO shot over.
22GERRARD made space on the right and touched the ball to BENT who fired the ball wide.
28GOAL!! A terrible goal-kick was intercepted by JUAN DOMÍNGUEZ who setup ADÚRIZ with a simple chance. (1-0 Deportivo)
30JUAN DOMÍNGUEZ stepped inside MANCIENNE but fired the ball into the arms of the 'keeper.
31DOMINGUEZ booked for gamesmanship.
37A free-kick from BENT flew over.
40A corner fell to GUARDADO who headed an effort just wide.
41SELLIN rushed through the Deportivo defence but shot straight at the Deportivo 'keeper.
43A great effort from GUARDADO scraped the woodwork.
49ADÚRIZ poked a simple chance past the near post.
51GERRARD touched the ball through a crowd of players but the Deportivo 'keeper was a match for it as he dived to his right.
52A penalty box scramble resulted in JOHNSON knocking a low shot over.
56BROZOVIC beat PABLO ÁLVAREZ and whacked the ball to HOLMES who dragged his shot wide.
59A brilliant strike from BENT was dealt with by a useful stop from the 'keeper.
61GOAL!! An outswinging corner headed out by BROZOVIC was nudged home by GUARDADO. (2-0 Deportivo)
65GUARDADO brought the ball past GIBBS and poked a weak shot over.
66GOAL!! A deep cross from JUAN RODRÍGUEZ on the left was headed home by GUARDADO at the far post. (3-0 Deportivo)
86GOAL!! A short backpass by CHAMBERS enabled ADÚRIZ to run in and hammer the ball past FORSTER. (4-0 Deportivo)
88BENT headed just wide.